When you do marketing for any brand, there are many things on your mind. Visibility, accessibility, increasing sales or conversions, and brand identity. You want a company that understands Commercial Video Production best practices and how to specifically apply them to your brand and products. At Brainiac, we work with you closely to understand your products and how to best create content that will captivate audiences on the right platforms.
You want a video production agency who will guide you through writing, pre production, shooting, post production and even optimization to reach your target audience on your entire video marketing campaign. A high quality video is necessary ti further brand awareness and build an emotional connection between the potential customer and your brand.
Whether your ad is for Broadcast or Vertical Social Media, we got you covered. Book an appointment below to find out more about how Brainiac can help you today. Commercial Video Production Who the buyer is determines many things. When we know the age, gender, location, income level, and any other relevant factors about the target buyer, we are able to understand the approach. This information informs the genre of the commercial, the platforms to reach the viewer on, and the structure of the commercial. This information also helps us determine casting, location, props and many other factors of the overall creative direction.
If the product is for enjoyment, then an entertaining advertisement is necessary. Snacks, beverages, toys, entertainment products, and other enjoyable products need a feeling of excitement or humor to grab attention.
If the product is meant to improve functionality or save time, cutting straight to the chase is likely the best approach. Don’t waste time trying to entertain if the product is meant to instantly solve a problem.